DevOps | Scripts | Automation


Check Remote Servers Connectivity using PowerShell – Script

For the scripter or System admins, many times they need to deploy script on the remote servers. However, there is always a fear if the remote servers have active connectivity and ports are proper so the script wouldn’t fail.

Script will run the below checks.

  • Test remote connectivity ICMP port.
  • Test WINRM Connectivity
  • Test WINRM HTTP port: 5985 , HTTPS port: 5986
  • Remote Firewall profile (Domain, Public and Private)
  • Execution Policy


function check-RemoteConnectivity {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose "`nRunning Connection Check "
        $output = @()
        $pingcon = ""
        $winrmcon = ""
        $Policy = ""
        $HttpPort = ""
        $HttpSPort = ""
        $PublicProfileStatus = ""
        $DomainProfileStatus = ""
        $PrivateProfileStatus = ""
        $outputpath = "ConnectionOutput.csv"

    Process {
        foreach ($server in $servers) {

            Write-Output "`nRunning connection check for $server"
            if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction Ignore) { $pingcon = "Reachable" }
            else { $pingcon = "NotReachable" }

            if (Test-WSMan -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction Ignore) { $winrmcon = "working" }
            else { $winrmcon = "NotWorking" }

            $Policy = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Scriptblock { Get-ExecutionPolicy } -ErrorAction Ignore).Value 

            $HttpPort = (Test-NetConnection $server -Port 5985).Tcptestsucceeded
            $HttpsPort = (Test-NetConnection $server -Port 5986).Tcptestsucceeded

            if ($winrmcon -eq "Working") {
                $FirewallProf = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock { Get-NetFirewallProfile | Select Name, Enabled }
                $PublicProfileStatus = ($FirewallProf | where { $_.Name -eq "Public" }).Enabled.Value
                $PrivateProfileStatus = ($FirewallProf | where { $_.Name -eq "Private" }).Enabled.Value 
                $DomainProfileStatus = ($FirewallProf | where { $_.Name -eq "Domain" }).Enabled.Value

            else {
                $PublicProfileStatus = "Unknown"
                $DomainProfileStatus = "Unknown"
                $PrivateProfileStatus = "Unknown"
            $output += [PSCustomObject]@{
                "Server_Name"                    = $server
                "Ping_Connection"                = $pingcon
                "WinRM_Conenction"               = $winrmcon
                "Policy"                         = $Policy
                "WINRM_HTTP_Port_Open"           = $HttpPort
                "WINRM_HTTPS_Port_Open"          = $HttpSPort
                "Firewall_Public_Prof_Enabled?"  = $PublicProfileStatus
                "Firewall_Private_Prof_Enabled?" = $PrivateProfileStatus
                "Firewall_Domain_Prof_Enabled?"  = $DomainProfileStatus


    End {
        $output | ft -AutoSize
        $output | Export-Csv .\ConnectionOutput.csv -NoTypeInformation
        Write-Output "`nOutput is stored at $(Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $outputpath) location"


You can also find the script at my github repository.