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How to declare variables in Golang?

Declaring Variables in Go: A Simple Guide

When learning a new programming language, understanding how to declare and use variables is crucial. In Go, also known as Golang, variable declaration is straightforward and supports several forms. In this article, we’ll explore the various methods you can use to declare variables in Go.

The var Keyword

The most basic form of declaring a variable in Go is using the var keyword. This is typically accompanied by the variable’s name and type. Here’s the syntax:

var variableName type

For example, to declare an integer variable called age, you would write:

var age int

Initializing Variables

Go allows you to initialize variables with values as you declare them. This involves providing an initial value after the type:

var variableName type = initialValue

Initialization of our age variable with a value of 30 would look like this:

var age int = 30

If you try to initialize a value without declaring a variable then Go will throw an error message. For example,

animal = "dog"
fmt.Println("Animal Name: ", animal)

You can use the short variable declaration just discussed after a few sections, to use it without declaration.

Type Inference

If you provide an initial value during variable declaration, Go can automatically infer the type of the variable based on this value. This removes the need to explicitly state the variable’s type:

var name = "John Doe" // Type inferred as `string`
var age = 25          // Type inferred as `int`

Short Variable Declaration

For a more concise declaration, especially within function bodies, Go offers a shorthand notation using the := operator. This infers the type and declares the variable in one go:

name := "John Doe" // Shorthand for declaring a string variable
age := 25          // Shorthand for declaring an integer variable

The short variable declaration is particularly convenient and idiomatic to Go programmers. The short variable also has a few more benefits related to the variable scope that we will discuss in future variable scope article.

Multiple Variable Declaration

You can declare multiple variables at once using a grouped var block. This syntax allows you to define different variables of various types together:

var (
    name     = "Jane Smith" // Inferred as a string
    age      = 42           // Inferred as an int
    location string         // Declared without initialization

Declaring Constants

While not variables per se, constants are also a fundamental aspect of Go that involves declaration. Constants are declared similar to variables, but with the const keyword, and they cannot change their value after the declaration:

const pi = 3.14159

Constants can also be declared in a block:

const (
    pi       = 3.14159
    language = "Go"

Pointers in Go

Sometimes, variables are not enough, and you might want to reference or manipulate the memory address of the variable. This is where pointers come into play. A pointer is declared by placing an asterisk (*) before the type:

var pointerToInt *int

Now, pointerToInt holds the memory address of an int variable.


Variable declaration in Go is designed to be simple and efficient, with several ways to declare variables to suit different needs and preferences. Whether through the use of d type inference, or the shorthand := operator, Go provides the tools you need to manage your program’s data effectively. Familiarity with these concepts sets the foundation for becoming proficient in Go programming.

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